What Are the First Signs That Glaucoma Is Developing?

What Are the First Signs That Glaucoma Is Developing?

What Are the First Signs That Glaucoma Is Developing?

What Are the First Signs That Glaucoma Is Developing?

What Are the First Signs That Glaucoma Is Developing?

Glaucoma is a condition that affects many Americans, the leading cause of blindness for people over 60 years old. It has various forms that damage the optic nerve, which is crucial for sight. The condition is hard to detect because its symptoms seem like mild issues that do not need immediate medical attention. 


However, here are some first signs that you may be developing glaucoma. Seek immediate medical attention when you notice any of these signs. Early treatment will help you slow down its progression.


Sensitivity to Light


Although the condition appears in people over 60, it is not age restrictive. Young people with high intraocular pressure will experience this symptom. It happens when the clear window of the eye becomes waterlogged. It becomes cloudy, causing light to bounce off the cornea irregularly. 


The resulting glare causes discomfort and headaches. However, it will not harm your vision in the short term. When you experience this, schedule an eye exam since it could be an early sign of glaucoma.


Halos Around Lights


Halos look like headlights or bright circles surrounding a light source. They are an early sign of glaucoma. When you start seeing this around a light source, you could be developing an eye disorder. They are a sign of glaucoma or cataracts. You should book an eye exam immediately because either eye condition can result in vision loss.


Blurred Vision


Blurred vision is one of the symptoms that you can easily ignore and wait to resolve itself. However, you should get an eye exam. It may be problems with visual acuity, and it could also be an age-related eye condition. Whichever the case, book an eye exam as soon as possible.


Blind Spots


One of the tests the doctor performs to check for glaucoma determines whether you have peripheral vision loss. It may not be complete. However, you may notice blind spots. You can’t see objects at the edge of your vision. When you notice this, book an appointment with your eye doctor for a comprehensive exam.


Cloudy Eyes


The cornea has a mechanism for pumping out the watery fluid. It helps keep it clear and controls the intraocular pressure. When the pressure is too high, it pushes the liquid into the cornea, waterlogging it. It results in cloudy eyes that irregularly scatter light getting into the eye.


But hazy eyes are easily detectable. It may be nothing. However, confirm with a doctor before ignoring them and assuming they are a sign of old age. Glaucoma is an age-related eye condition. If you experience this sign, it is time for a checkup. 


Sudden and Severe Pain


The pain could result from headaches, sensitivity to light, or irritation. It is time to see an eye doctor immediately when you experience eye pain together with eye redness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, or halos. The pain can be in your eye or your forehead. Whichever the case, schedule an eye exam.


For more information on the first signs of glaucoma, call the Eye Center of Virginia at (757) 919-3500 to reach our office in Williamsburg, Virginia. 

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