Low Vision

Low Vision

Low Vision

Low Vision

Low Vision

The doctors at Eye Center of Virginia diagnose and treat glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other low vision impairments that cannot be corrected with eyeglasses, medication, or surgery. With an eye toward medical innovation, our providers employ the latest visual rehabilitation techniques and optical devices to help alleviate severe visual loss. Low vision does not mean giving up activities, but rather learning new ways of doing them. Vision rehabilitation helps patients learn new strategies and find devices that can assist them.

The experience of vision loss

It is important to acknowledge the anger and frustration from finding out that vision loss is irreversible. Getting help to work through these feelings and learn about low vision strategies can help you stay active and avoid depression. Keep your social group, job, or outside activities. You might need large print books, a magnifier, someone to drive you to events, or additional help to participate in sports. Please ask for the help you need.

Causes of low vision

Eye diseases are common in people over 50 years of age, but are not part of the normal aging process. Since seeing involves both the eyes and brain, diseases that affect the brain (e.g. strokes) can also lead to low vision.

Congenital diseases (present at birth): Optic nerve hypoplasia, retinopathy of prematurity Inherited diseases (runs in the family): Retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt disease Acquired diseases (develops after birth): Glaucoma, eye injury, cortical visual impairment.

Patterns of vision loss

Central vision: Conditions that damage the macula (center of the retina), such as macular degeneration, affects detailed vision.

Peripheral vision: This is the less-detailed vision we use to see at the edges of our vision, outside the area we’re looking directly at. Glaucoma or retinitis pigmentosa often affect peripheral vision first. Diabetic retinopathy, strokes, and cortical visual impairment can affect the peripheral and central vision in either eye.

Contrast sensitivity: This is the ability to distinguish between objects of similar tones like milk in a white cup. Most eye problems can decrease contrast sensitivity.

Depth perception: This is the ability to judge the position of objects in the space around you. Vision loss in one eye, or damage to the brain can affect depth perception, such as gauging the height of a step or reaching for a cup.

Low vision diagnosis and treatment

Your eye doctor will initially do a comprehensive eye exam to diagnose what is affecting your vision. For children, additional questions about the child’s birth and medical history will be addressed. If the eye disease cannot be treated further by glasses or medication, the doctor will help you find ways to continue doing tasks despite the vision loss. The provider will assess how your eyes function, how you accomplish tasks, and what your goals are. This will help you learn new ways to use your remaining vision or new strategies to complete daily tasks and maintain your quality of life. Some of these devices may include magnifiers, specialized illumination for the home, or electronic devices. Your doctor can also evaluate options for driving or recommend an Orientation and Mobility specialist for independent travel.

Your doctor can also provide other resources to improve your quality of life. We’re here to help, and we hope to see you in the office soon!

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