Designer Frame Selection

Designer Frame Selection

Designer Frame Selection

Designer Frame Selection

Designer Frame Selection

Eyeglasses must combine form and function to provide you with everything you need. That's why we not only offer plenty of frame options but a wide variety of lens types and coating options as well. This ensures that nothing is overlooked when it comes to our eyewear.

designer eyewear

Stylish Eyewear

Wearing prescription glasses every day is much easier when your frames help you look even better than usual. In fact, when you think of your eyewear as a fashion accessory, it can even be fun! Mix and match frame colors and styles to go with your outfits, and your glasses will never be out of place.

We offer designer frames from a massive range of sources. These include Prada, Tom Ford, Kate Spade, WOOW, Ray-Ban, Vera Wang, Oliver Peoples, and over a dozen more. This makes it easy for you to find the ones that perfectly match your style.

​​​​​​​If you prefer to wear no frames at all, we still have you covered. We offer a variety of contact lenses, and our optometrist will be happy to fit you for them.

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